Saturday, October 29, 2005

Helpdesk jokes (part 1)

*HD=helpdesk, C=customer

HD: "Hi thanks for calling XXXX helpdesk, how may I help you?"

C: "I can't install the internet s/w on the disc"
HD: "Have you inserted the disc, did any screen pop up?"
C: "The disc is in the drive, but there's no screen"
HD: "Can you try Start->Run and key in D:\Setup.exe"
C: "Nope, no such drive was the error message"

*After half an hour of trying to figure out, getting the application to install*

HD: "Double click on my computer, do you see a CD ROM icon there?"
C: "Nope, there's A:, C: but no CD ROM drive"
HD: Does your system have a CD ROM drive?"
C: "Yes"

*5 mins more of thinking, HD decided to test the dummy way*

HD: "Is there a grey bar towards the right of the window that showed up after double clicking on 'My Computer'?"
C: "Oh yeah, there is!"
HD: "Can you use your mouse click on the bar and drag it down?
C: "Yeah yeah, now got CD ROM drive!!!"

*HD mute the headset's microphone and laughed loudly*


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